タムラサトル 小山マシーン
2010.7.10 – 9.5
100kg Man
2004 / VIDEO : 1min 10sec / デジタルはかり、ウーロン茶、チューブ 他
2010, mixed media, variable size
食器の音をたてる 2009
PEELER/タムラサトル 小山マシーン/栃木
意味を排除された物質群から問う物質至上主義『小山マシーン−タムラサトル展』 – アート・デザインニュース _ CINRA.NET
タムラサトルの不敵なナンセンスが導くゼロ地点 中尾英恵
次の部屋に入ると、今度は、延々と釣竿が釣ってそして放すという行為を繰り返す作品『Catch and Release』が置かれている。釣り糸の先には、鉄のフレームがついており、それが鉄のレールの上をゆっくりゆっくりと上がっていき、リールが巻かれきったところで、一気にレールを滑り落ち、釣り糸の先に付けられたフレームとレールとがけたたましい衝突音を発しながら止まる。そして、またリールが巻き始め、フレームは、ゆっくりゆっくりと鉄のレールを上がってゆく。
(なかお はなえ 小山市立車屋美術館学芸員)
Satoru Tamura’s Audacious Nonsense Leads Us Back to the Starting Point / Nakao Hanae
Artwork is a living replica of the artist himself.
One can feel Satoru Tamura smiling audaciously through his group of works, created in an idyllic atelier surrounded by fields. His house feels rich in history, and at its heart is the barn filled with farming equipment that Tamura uses as his studio. He works inside this wall-less, open air atelier, donning many layers during the winter and changing shirts many times in the summer. Tamura concentrates on welding and checking on his machines in this space that is reminiscent of a small town factory, filled with iron welding materials, iron seats and iron scraps. In the summertime, between the sun bearing down from above and the fire sparking from below, Tamura’s tan reaches a roasted dark brown. Operating outdoors like this, his work, like agricultural labor, is dictated by the sun. Despite his use of electricity in all of his artwork, Tamura’s studio is equipped with neither air conditioner nor heater, so in the summer he works on his art during early morning and evening hours when the sun is not so strong, and works on indoor projects during the day. A very eco-friendly lifestyle.
It is in this environment that Tamura’s large and elaborate pieces are born.
Tamura is hard at work for the upcoming exhibit, creating new pieces that will be the follow-up to the “Point of Contact” series he has been working on for the past few years. One of these, on display in the entryway, is “Oyama Machine”, which is also the name of the exhibit. Extra thick chains are arranged in the symmetrical shapes of the characters for “o” and “yama”, a motor driving the chains to rotate in place in a continuous loop. Although the word machine denotes something that does productive work, this machine merely drives the chains to trace the same path over and over, and is essentially unproductive. This piece, as with his others, is created with his notion of “pure white ideas”, a running theme in his art whereby Tamura shows us objects as simply being the objects they are. In other words, this work is built upon the premise that “machine = a thing that does useful work”. These chains and iron, motors and electrical power, all essential parts of mechanical production, move yet produce nothing, and thereby lose their significance as part of a machine, instead emerging as objects on their own. The viewer stands before these moving chains, thoughts wandering suspended in a loop, and asks oneself, “What is a machine? What is a chain?”
In the next room is “Catch and Release”, a piece in which a fishing rod repeatedly and endlessly catches and then releases its catch. An iron frame, attached to the tip of the fishing line, gradually lifts up an iron rail; when the reel is completely wound, the rail suddenly slips off, and both the rail and frame come crashing down with a loud clang, and everything stops. Then the reel begins to wind itself up again, and the frame once more slowly lifts up the rail.
“Catch and Release” mimics the behavior of catching a fish and then returning it to the river or ocean; the fisherman repeats the action, yet this piece, with the repetitive motion being performed by a gigantic machine, reaches the heights of nonsense. A pointless machine and the loud clang of iron against iron; these fill us with the excitement of crossing a line.
There is a story I am reminded of when looking at Tamura’s pieces. The first time I took the highway from Kansai back home to Tochigi, I suddenly found myself driving down the wrong road. Mt. Fuji, geographically speaking, should not have been visible from the road I thought I was on, but suddenly I saw before me a beautiful, sloping shape–a large and majestic mountain. The mountain was so beautiful it almost convinced me that in this world there could exist a fairy land, and I wondered to myself over and over in admiration, was there a mountain in Japan besides Mt. Fuji that was this beautiful? Indeed, it was none other than Mt. Fuji itself; I had taken the wrong road by mistake, and here before me stood that mountain, the pride of Japan.
It occurred to me that Mt. Fuji wasn’t considered beautiful because it was The Famous Mt. Fuji, but rather it came to become The Famous Mt. Fuji because it was so beautiful. This experience came about under special circumstances, and it allowed me to see Mt. Fuji stripped of its preconception as a beautiful mountain, to look upon it as I would any mountain. Free of that expectation, I was able to experience its beauty from my own perspective, and it moved me to the core of my being.
We passively absorb the various meanings and values attached to objects, and live under the illusion that these make up our own basic set of values. Tamura wants “to stay liberated from the meaning, establishment and purpose of materials and forms. Perhaps,” he continues, “I have doubts about them.” He carefully and deliberately peels away the meaning and establishment associated with objects, and brings the relationship we have with these objects back to the starting point. Between the mechanical sounds and the overwhelming presence of the objects, stereotypes and preconceived notions crumble away, placing us in a suspended state of thought. Then, we are able to create new relationships to the objects based on our own ideas and assessments.
Another special characteristic of Tamura’s work is that each piece requires electrical power. Electricity is one of the causes of the polarized state of Japan’s government finances, with some towns and cities possessing abundant funding while others are on the brink of financial collapse. In wealthy towns, there are generators and power plants. This is one of the antitheses of the distorted reality. There are active calls for the Cool Biz movement and other forms of eco-friendly lifestyles; at the same time, as exemplified by the much talked about i-pad, even paper media is being replaced by electronic media, and our dependency on electricity further deepens. Although electricity certainly makes many things more convenient, we are also forging ahead towards a dangerous situation in which everything is built upon this dependency. The parachute precariously suspended in place inside the brightly lit glass case, flying no higher nor lower, until it suddenly, on occasion, hits the ground, seems a perfect parable of our electricity-dependent selves. Tamura watches us, laughing all the while.
Tamura’s works are refreshing with their powerful insistence on nonsensical humor and overwhelming presence. In this period of recession, many are anxious and defensive about the unclear future, of what lies ahead. Amidst this, Tamura’s art asks us, sometimes aggressively and sometimes with humor, “What are you anxious about? What are you trying to protect?” Tamura’s work rejects a peaceful approach, opting instead for a defiant one. Within his group of works, there are signs of a breakthrough.
Satoru Tamura is dynamic.
He is stoic.
And he is wise.
Nakao Hanae
Curator, Kurumaya Museum of Art