2017.9.8 – 10.7
0 Machine – 9 Machine
2017, steel, chains, bearings, motor, cables
ART Machine
2016, steel, chains, bearings, motor, cables, H53 x W65 x D21 cm
2010, mixed media, variable size
23の白熱灯のための接点 #5
Point of Contact for 23 Incandescent Lamps #5
2016, incandescent lamps, motor, wood, steel, cables, H56 x W48.5 x D9.5 cm
photo: Takeshi Asano
Exhibition View_Satoru Tamura ‘0-9’ _ TEZUKAYAMA GALLERY
金津創作の森 学芸員
石川 達紘
Development For Development’s Sake
In response to the request from Tamura Satoru to review his latest show “0-9”, I came by to some of his past reviews. In the reviews of Tamura’s work (which his aim was to make them meaningless), I found many passages to be over-analyzed or some meaning was perhaps “filled-in” for him. Though I am not trying to criticize these critics I shall prove that Tamura’s work tends to create such an effect. Tamura’s most important series, “Machine Series”, is a good example to that.
Just as the exhibition is titled, the mechanized pieces are numbered, 0 to 9. These numbers universally used – from counting, telling time, down to personal identification and everything in between. Our civilization relies heavily on these numbers to systemize and organize. The number “1” itself has no other role than to represent this single number. Due to the nature of that (unlike kanjis or certain symbols which Tamura has used for his past themes), it is cold and has little to do with emotions. Though these are true, we yet somehow find a way to connect with them – for example: date of births or certain set of numbers.
Typically machines are designed for a specific task, hence has its own specific motions. Similarly in art, artists express the importance of its motions. However, Tamura’s works in Machine Series have minimal function. The chain moves, but the outline of the work itself does not. What the viewer experiences is a slight shake by the gear and chain rotation, along with the sound of motor and grease – far from machines we know, this “machine” only moves silently on its own, without purpose. Yet, viewers are able to connect with them through numbers.
It’s hard not to think about Tamura’s ingenious approach to creating a situation by using numbers to make it easier to read the work. The invention of these functionless machines by Tamura may have left a lot of room for over-analytical comments, but I’ve come to realize that it is a machine that encourages a healthy development of discussion. And I, as well, might have just over-analyzed Tamura’s work.
Curator, Kanaz Forest of Creation
Tatsuhiro Ishikawa
タムラサトル 個展「0-9」
会期 | 2017.09.08 FRI – 10.07 SAT
時間 | TUE – SAT / 12:00 – 19:00
http://tezukayama-g.com/exhibition/0-9_satoru-tamura/Tezukayama Galleryさんの投稿 2017年9月22日金曜日